EFL ESL Color Songs for Kids | My Top 10

Colors songs for kids

Color is everywhere. It is so important when you’re learning how to describe and talk about things in a new language. Children love learning the names of colors and being able to say what color objects are. I think I talk about colors in nearly every lesson. There are lots and lots of color songs for kids. These are some of my favorites; some that I use very often and others that are a bit different. Hopefully there is something for everyone here. So here we go, my Top 10 EFL ESL Color Songs for kids.

Color Song for Kids by Dream English

A very, very simple song for little children to start learning their colors. This song teaches nine colors which is plenty for your youngest learners. It uses the images of colored balloons flying away and the class have to say goodbye to each color. You could maybe use this as part of a goodbye routine at the end of your class to practice colors and say goodbye to children wearing different colors. Change the colors to make it more difficult or to fit in with what you’re teaching in the lesson.

Colors Dance! by Patty Shukla Kids TV

Kids love dancing and this will let them do just that. Everyone who is wearing the colors red and blue has to stand up and dance. Or yellow and green. And so on. You could use it in a lesson learning about clothing too and make it more specific. So, everyone wearing blue trousers or a green t-shirt has to dance. Let different children take turns choosing the colors who have to dance.

I See Something Blue by Super Simple Songs

My classes love singing this song. We sing a verse and then they have to find everything in the classroom or wherever we are that is that color as quickly as possible. They get very competitive and will find even the smallest object so that they win. You can also use this same song and concept for other things like sizes, shapes, patterns and lots of other things so it’s a very useful song. If you want to add more colors, there’s a second version, I See Something Pink.

Rainbow Colors Song by The Singing Walrus

Tell me, tell me, what do you see? This is a great song to start learning how to describe objects. I see an apple and it is red. It introduces lots of simple objects and their colors and you could add any different objects you want to fit in with the theme of your lesson.

10 Little Crayons by The Kiboomers

Practice counting, colors and shapes with this versatile and easy to sing song. Great for classes with little kids when you want to practice different things. You could adapt it to lots of different themed lessons and change the words to learn different colors or shapes.

The Color Song by Songdrops

Get your class to listen to the song, watch the video and fill in the gaps at the end of each line. This is not as easy as it sounds and the sentences get harder and harder as the song goes on and the colors get more unusual. Definitely one for older and more advanced classes. You could use this as an exercise and ask the class to make up their own rhyming sentences for each color. The song is quite fast so you may have to listen to it a few times before they get the hang of it and are able to fill in the colors.

What Color Am I Wearing? by Bounce Patrol Kids

Another song that practices colors of clothes. This time it lets the kids ask the question, what color am I wearing? The rest of the class can answer them. You could turn it around and use it to say what color are you wearing? Or what color is she wearing? You could play a pair share game where the children have to go around the class and ask the question every time they meet a new partner.

The Colors Song and The Advanced Colors Song by Scratch Garden

Two songs for the price of one here. These are probably best for older children as they are a little bit more complicated. Use them to learn about primary, secondary and tertiary colors and what happens when you mix colors. Great if you’re doing an art based lesson or for teaching colors from a more scientific point of view. You could combine them with a color mixing experiment using paints or food coloring and make some great art work for the class.

Dr Seuss’s Book of Colors – Kids Rap Song by Scatter Brain Ent

This is fun! It’s a rap reading of the Book of Colors and you could probably make a whole lesson out of this. There are so many strange objects and new vocabulary words to learn in the book and it would be really fun to have the class rap it. It’s probably best for an older class but you could split the class into groups for younger classes and have them work on one color or one page to make it easier. Get your class to make up more crazy colored objects and rhyming sentences that they can turn into a rap too.

Color Robot by Harry Kindergarten Music

Another fun song for guessing the color of objects that you could adapt to lots of different lessons. Build a color robot with your class and find lots of different things for it to identify. Or get the kids to be robots and find lots of objects of different colors. You could have lots of fun with this song.

That was my favorite color songs for kids. Have you got any more to add? What is your favorite way of teaching colors? Leave me a comment if you’ve got some good ideas to share. If you’ve enjoyed these and want to see some more of my Top 10 EFL ESL songs, you can find them all here. To stay up to date with new posts from GoogooEnglish, you can follow our Facebook page or sign up for email updates below.